Consult our sales engineers to find the product that best suits you
RTscan's barcode scan modules have been successfully applied by hundreds of customers worldwide since 2014. They have been used for terminals like medical devices, lockers, shopping trolleys, vending machines, ATMs, Kiosks, Express cabinets, Ticketing machines, etc.
Here is the list of our OEM barcode scanner modules which are:
✸ To read standard 1D& 2D barcodes like QR, Data Matrix, PDF417, Aztec, Code39, etc, we recommend the RT218 series. RT218 series are outstanding in their accurate laser aiming, compact and lightweight design, and excellent bar code reading performance.
RT218-SR is for general purposes, and RT218-SD is for short distance / close range bar code reading, while RT218-ER is for extended range/ long distance bar code reading.
✸ RT214 also for general use, with LED aimer. RT214C is compatible with dimensions and screw positions with some traditional/ very old barcode scan engines.
✸ To read higher-density barcodes or big-size PDF417 codes from an ID card or MRZ/OCR-B from an ID card and passport, RT212 is recommended. Please contact our sales team to get detailed information.
✸ To read special barcodes like Maxicode and AZTEC, choose RT218 or RT203. While RT218 has a laser aiming light and RT203 has an LED aimer. Thanks to its laser aimer, RT218 is also suitable for mobile devices that trigger the scan engine by the scan button.
✸ If you need a near-field but large field-of-view scan module, then you can choose RT830i or RT830i-B, RT830i-B with low price but RT830i with better performance. To use RT830i or RT830i-B, you will need to design a cover to protect the scanner and prevent the lamp and the whole circuit board from being exposed to users. But if you design a cover that is improper, then it may block too much light, resulting in poor reading performance. If you are not sure about this, you could also consider our RT830C (RT830i+cover=RT830C)
✸ If you need an engine for bar code reading from a PCB board or metal surface in which the code is printed by laser, then you can choose our iN1 scan engine. If your bar codes are very small and also high density, the iN1 still a good choice.
Models | iN1 | RT218-ER | RT218-SD | RT218-SR | RT214 | RT214B | RT214C | RT830i | RT830i-B | RT203 | RT206 |
Read 2D and QR Codes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Read From Paper and Phone Screen | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Read Maxicode & Aztec | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | No |
Depth of Field | Medium | Far | Near | Medium | Medium | Medium | Medium | Near | Near | Medium | Medium |
Field of View | Normal | Normal | Normal | Normal | Normal | Normal | Normal | larger | Larger | Normal | Normal |
Aimer | Laser | Laser | Laser | Laser | LED | LED | LED | No need | No need | LED | LED |
Ultra-small & Compact design | Big | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Normal | Big | Big | Big | Big | Normal |
Compatible with Arduino via UART/ TTL-232 Board | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Compatible with Arduino via USB EVK Board | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Compatible with Raspberry Pi Via USB EVK Board | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |